The 50plus

Press & downloads

0845 22 50 495 or one of our local numbers or book online here.

Read all about us - press and articles

50plus writes, is written about and participates in radio broadcasts. A good deal of this is shown in the press coverage which can be read from this link. Many local magazines also run articles and we thank them for helping to spread the message.

For press queries please contact Roger Runswick here.

Useful downloads

Click a picture to download a leaflet to send to a friend, to keep for yourself or print.

Use the link beneath the picture to find out more.

Call or email us if you would like further information. Our full contact details are here.

Home repairs
Read more here

Commercial services
Read more here

Your 50plus Club
Read more here.

Our service Ts & Cs

Home repairs
Read more here

Commercial services
Read more here


Your 50plus Club
Read more here.

Our service TS & Cs
Our website Ts & Cs are here.

Why choose 50plus?

Easy to contact - call, email and more
Experienced company and personnel
Central support for field staff
Fully insured
Age Positive Employer Champion
Range of locations.

Find out more

Information about what you may need for a specific repair and more? Please visit our knowledge centre here.

Further questions? Please contact us.
